Although Hu DNP tonight for Mesa, he was recently named to the 2006 AFL Rising Stars Eastern Division Team. The game will take place on the 27th of this month.A team from Taitung won the Hong-Yeh(Maple Leaf) International Invitational Tourney (with some of the top 13 and under talent in Taiwan on display) in Taiwan - beating a team from the US(the Bakersfield Heat). Taitung won 6-0 in the championship game. The tourney's top hitter, Taitung's Hung-Sheng Yang also pulled MVP honors.

yea, i had a feeling the bears were going to dominate. maybe theyll be able to win the konami cup! Happy to see Hu's hand is fine and that hes being recognized by mlb scouts. Also great to hear our boys beat shutout the US in the recent 13u tourny. any info on who all participated? Also, do you know what teams from China, Korea, and Japan are goin to be competing in the konami cup?
i thought it is elephant first glance...
oops, make that brothers elephants.
oh yeah, our 13u am team does have jerseys that look like the elephants! just noticed that
holy wow chen hit a monster two run shot tonight. it went out of the park, must've been at least 450 feet.
it's over in taiwan, the bears won.
as for the konami cup, the chinese team will be an all-star team (cheaters! but it's okay, they'll still suck). reps from japan and korea will be determined in the next few days.
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