The NT defeated Australia 8-7 Thursday as the two teams combined for 28 hits. The most impressive players in the ball game for Taiwan were MC Hsu who threw two scoreless innings in the 8th and 9th innings, K'ing all three batters he faced in the 9th and Kuo-Hui Lo who cracked the first HR for the team in warm-up matches. Hsu may have sewn up the closer spot on the team with his clutch performance today. Lo, on the other hand has hit Australian pitching well, cracking 2 HR's against the Perth Heat last month. It's good to finally see Lo flash some of his power potential - he hit only 4 HR's in 358 AB's in the minors this past season. Rakuten Eagles teammates En-Yu Lin and Ying-Chieh Lin weren't very impressive - EY Lin allowed 4 runs in 4 innings, giving up a HR, while YC Lin pitched the 7th, allowing 4 runs. Fu-Te Ni threw two shutout innings (in the 5th and 6th), K'ing 3. 3B Yi-Chuan Lin had a bases-clearing bloop triple in the 4th inning to help power the offense - he also committed 3 errors in the game. Game Recap
CL Lo earned a ND after throwing 4 scoreless innings in Arizona. Lo only allowed 1 hit to go along with 4 K's and 2 BB's. His team lost 5-3. Box
From the HeraldNet on YC Chen's play in the AFL:
"Yung Chi Chen, a highly regarded second baseman who played just five games for Class AAA Tacoma before injuring his left shoulder, has batted .389 with one homer and eight RBI. McLaren heard glowing reports about Chen from the Mariners' player development department and was eager to watch him this fall. "I like what I see," McLaren said. "He's always been highly thought-of, but he had some injury problems. But he has looked really good in the games I've seen. He's swung the bat and played a good second base. He's very impressive.""
Other News:
Some news on CM Wang - he's heading home for some R&R beginning Nov. 6th.
The Korean NT's head coach ( Gyeong-Mun Kim) is bent on beating Taiwan in the Asian Olympic Qualifiers. From Donga.com, "he (Kim) promised Korea would “defeat Taiwan at all costs, because Taiwan defeated Korea in the Doha Asian Olympics last year.” His intention is to demonstrate that Korea is better than Taiwan in baseball."
nananana not gonna happen. korea's going down
bring it on!
people need to learn to just play ball and leave all other bull sh*t to himself...
seriously, the korean NT head coach is such an ass. Its sad that he has to win at all costs just cuz they lost to us at DOHA. the fact that their head coach feels the need to have to prove that Korea is better than Taiwan in baseball shows just how insecure the head coach is
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